Celular, Jovens e Educação

Interessante vídeo sobre jovens e a cultura do celular com foco na educação no MobileActive.org.

“Owning a mobile is becoming an indispensable element of young people’s lives all around the world. This well-done 30-min video focuses on mobiles in education, explores whether mobiles are a force for good, or an example of technology gone awry; and offers a lot of cultural analysis of how young people use mobiles.

Produced by teachers.tv about young people’s use of mobiles (albeit UK-focused), it is a good look at the world of young people with mobile phones, and the impact on schools and education. Young people are mobile natives and schools and NGOs better take heed.”

2 Replies to “Celular, Jovens e Educação”

  1. Interessante, mas acredito que é uma realidade muito mais possível na Inglaterra que no Brasil, onde as pessoas tem menos recursos para ter acesso à tecnologia.
    Não entendi a ´´mobile phone crime wave in schools“
    Como eles usam o celular de forma criminosa?

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