Mobile Social Network
Post do THINK Blog mostra a eveolução do uso de redes sociais móveis. Nos EUA 62% dos americanos acessaram a internet sem fio e 42% usa uma vez por dia (em média) o celular para aplicação outras que as de voz. O uso de aplicações para “redes sociais” cresce de acordo com estudos da Emaketer. Vejam detalhes abaixo:
“Emarketer predicted in April “that over 800 million users worldwide will access and participate in social networks via their mobile device in 2012, up from 82 million in 2007.
Although the total mobile social network user base in 2012 will be under 20% of the worldwide mobile user population, it is likely these users will have a disproportionate impact on marketing, media and mobile communications because creating and sharing digital content represents much of the social networking experience.“
An ABI report out this month shows a strong correlation between mobile social activity and users of Facebook or MySpace.
From the report: ‘The social network is increasingly becoming a central hub for communication across online and mobile domains for many consumers,’ said research director Michael Wolf. ‘To a degree, it allows them to centralize messaging, communication and even digital media consumption through a centralized property on various screens. We believe this centralization of a consumer’s digital lifestyle through social networks will only increase adoption of mobile social networking in coming years.’