No “Spook Country”, de W. Gibson (Berkley Books, NY, 2007), sobre ciberespaço, VR e locative media. Não mais “neuromancer” no Black Ice, não mais “jardineiros” no mundo virtual. Agora é a vez do lugar, da rua, do mapa, “grid” e não mais “matrix”!

“Someone told me that cyberspace was ‘everting’. That was how she put it”. “Sure. And once it everts, then there isn’t cyberspace, is there? There never was, if you want to look at it that way. It was a way we had of looking where we were headed, a direction. With the grid, we’re here. This is the other side of the screen. Right here!”.

“We’re all doing VR, every time we look at a screen. We have been for decades now. We just do it. We didn’t need the googles, the glove. It just happened. VR was an even more specific way we had of telling us where we were going. (…) The locative, though, lots of us are already doing. But you can’t just do the locative with your nervous system. (…) We’ll have internalized the interface. It’ll have envolved to the point where we forget about it. Then you’ll just walk down the street…” (pp. 65-66)

Como diz o próprio Gibson:

“Well, one character says that cyberspace is inverting, turning inside out. I have a feeling that being aware of being connected will be an anachronism, because we’ll be connected all the time. I have this inkling that the whole idea of cyberspace is going to seem fabulously quaint in 20 or 30 years.”

William Gibson interviewed, SimCity ’07, By Logan Hill, New York Books, Aug 6, 2007 (via PeerFlow)