The e-MobiLArt project

The e-MobiLArt Project

Comunidade Européia lança projeto que visa criar uma rede de artistas e cientistas em torno de projetos sobre computação ubíqua, mobilidade e locative media, demonstrando sintonia com o crescente interesse sobre o tema. Mais informações no link do e-MobiLArt project:

e-MobiLArt: European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists
Call for artists and scientists

European Mobile Lab for Interactive Media Artists (e-MobiLArt) is a project tailored around the process of creating collaborative interactive installation artworks. Such interactive mediated environments may involve the use of multimodal interfaces, ubiquitous computing and mobile or locative media technologies.

(…)The e-MobiLArt Project is under the support of the CULTURE 2007 Programme of the European Union. It is co-coordinated by the University of Athens (Greece). Co-organising partners are: the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Austria) and the University of Lapland (Finland). Associate partners are: Leonardo/OLATS (France), Group Haute Ecole ICHEC Saint Louis (Belgium), State Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki (Greece), The Academy of Fine Arts – Katowice (Poland) and Cycling74 (U.S.A.).”