GPS para Deficientes Visuais

GPS para Deficientes Visuais

Post do Mobile Active mostra programa livre que ajuda deficientes visuais. Vejam trechos do post The New “Seeing-Eye” Dog: Mobile Phone Navigation for Blind People:

“A new software project called Loadstone-GPS provides navigational assistance to blind and visually impaired individuals. The software, which is open source and can be downloaded for free, uses screen readers such as Mobile Speak and Talks and can be operated on a Nokia phone with the S60 smartphone platform. The project, started in 2004 by two blind developers, began when one of the developers purchased a speech-enabled mobile phone and saw the potential of interfacing the phone with Bluetooth GPS. The resulting system can be used to find latitude and longitude coordinates and ‘points of interest’ that other users have entered in Loadstone’s Points Share Exchange. The develpers named the project ‘Loadstone’ after the magnetic iron that was historically used as a magnetic compass needle.(…)”