Vejam o movimento Yomango, começado na argentina em 2002 e que agora roda o mundo: Barcelona, Alemanha, Chile…
A Wired acaba de publicar uma matéria sobre o movimento (anticonsumo, circulação de bens, apropriação do espaço público…). Vejam a Wired News: Shoplifting as Social Commentary.
De acordo com o ex-editor da Mondo 2000, R.U. Sirius, a web está potencializando o movimento. Para o autor de “Counterculture Through the Ages”: ‘I think it’s great, spirited, irreverent fun — instead of rejecting fashion, they are turning it into something rebellious and spontaneous,’. ‘Can I take it seriously as a strategy for changing the world? Not on its own and not as a form of political organizing. But as an embodied expression of the general spirit of open-source, file-sharing culture that could ultimately overwhelm systems of ownership in the increasingly digitized economy, it works.'”
Mais infos sobre as ações ao redor do mundo, clique no site Sindominio.