You Are Here

You Are Here,

Evento no Texas, You are Here, discute em dois dias as formas de mapeamento e as midias taticas. O assunto e’ mesmo de importancia e temos discutido as novas formas de mapeamento e de croquis permitindo novas formas artisticas e novos processos de apropriacao tanto do espaco urbano como dessas tecnologias nesse blog. Vejam posts anteriores sobre territorios, mapas e croquis.

“The map is a device of multiple powers. What happens when this device is purposely redirected by artists? Currently there is tremendous momentum amongst the fields of art, activism, geography and cultural studies. For example, associating the fields of cartography and art can lead to new forms of tourism, overwrite official boundaries with local ecologies, expose governmental secrets and generate new ways of experiencing and understanding our physical environment. You Are Here is a two-day conference featuring contemporary artists and researchers working with mapping and tactical media.”