

Projeto Weather-Call Service V.2 de Krista Connerly permite que usuário de telefones celulares, por SMS, interagir ou criar “weather systems”. Acho que vou começar a usar por aqui já que o tempo muda rapidamente de -21 para -1 em dias…Vejam trechos da descrição do projeto. Para mais informações sobre “art for mobile devices”, vejam o Afflatus Project

“What forms of intimacy take place in the city? How can poetry replace efficiency? These questions drive the work of new media artist and poetic sociographer Krista Connerly. (…)

Weather-Call Service offers a mobile weather activation service provided through cell-phone text messaging. The system gives up to date instructions on how to interact with and create weather systems. Responses from participants, including text messages and cell-phone photos can be sent directly from their phone to our weather map, creating a dynamic picture of how participants are using their weather instructions. for more visit:

Version 2 of this project will include a different way of visualizing the information on the weather map. It is not yet complete.”