The Grey Zones …

The Grey Zones

Falávamos ontem sobre as zonas de sombra e recupero um post,
Networked Music Review — Swimming In The Grey Zones, que remete a um artigo do número espeial da Leonardo sobre Locative Media, de 2006. Como falávamos, os projetos em locative media querem exercitar a crítica aos regimes de localização e monitoramento e atuar em zonas ambíguas e obscuras, como os projeto de Teran, Elahi, Härtig, LOCA, Blast Theory, entre outros:


“Grey zones are spaces or places of alterity. They could be Michel Foucault’s ‘heterotopias’, or Marc Augé’s ‘non-places’, or Edward Soja’s ‘thirdspace’ (just to name a few) [1]. They exist as real spaces and places we know and are also new spaces created by the use of technology. As artists begin to explore these spaces with locative media, what are some effects of locating and properties of these spaces and what might be their correlates in other discourses around space?

(…) In the process of locating, boundaries shift, errors occur, things are read as something else, signals get lost. These are some of the effects or properties of ‘locating’ that make evident the slippery boundaries in locating, revealing spaces that can be defined in some way as ‘other’ and that shift over time to occasionally blur the pinpointing of a locative ‘moment'(…)’ ‘From Swimming In The Grey Zones – Locating The Other Spaces In Mobile Art by Leslie Sharpe, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2006.'”