Stephen Graham

Entrevista com o geógrafo Stephen Graham, autor de diversos livros sobre a relação cidade e novas tecnologias, entre eles ‘Cybercity Readers” e “Telecommunication and the Citiy”. Vejam a entrevista na íntegra no blog Subtopia:

“The investigations of geographer and writer Stephen Graham show us a city not only caught in the crosshairs of a perpetual war between international military coalitions and their swarming counterparts, but a city that’s been reframed, re-imaged, as a strategic site in a larger geo-economic scheme for engineering the urban machinations of control that are necessary to secure the triumph of neoliberal capitalism across the globe. Absolutely critical research, as far as I am concerned. Back in April, just a few months after Subtopia launched and began to pick up steam, Steve and I quickly made contact at which time he told me he was working on a new book titled Cities Under Siege: the “new” military urbanism.”

One Reply to “Stephen Graham”

  1. oi

    andre tenho lido seu carnet//e morando em paris: nao estamos cada vez mais vigiados. ??!! e a sarkozizacao caminha para mais vigilancia//(paris: uma anti-utopia foucaultiana realizada)// as apropriacoes esteticas q tenho acompanhado aqui sao incipientes insuficientes frageis (longe da estetica e muito longe da critica)//parece que gostamos cada vez mais de sermos vigiados..e isso…?? nao um bb (terrivel 1984)> mas um bbb (sorria vc est…)/

    obrigado por me manter atualizado/ gostaria de em breve (se possivel) acompanhar alguns encontros do cibercidade//


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