Sanford, Florida Wi-Fi

Sanford, Florida Wi-Fi

O centro da Sanford, na Flórida cria rede pública wi-fi, desenvolvento um território informacional urbano. Vejam detalhes no post Sanford, Florida deploys downtown wireless hotzone

“Sanford, Florida deploys downtown wireless hotzone
Sanford (Florida), a city of 50,000 people located north of Orlando, has recently deployed a downtown Wi-Fi hotzone (10 blocks) at a cost to the city of $30,000 (the total cost was $55,000, part of which was borne by the city’s partner, F4W, a company based in Lake Mary, Florida). F4W recently won a regional technology award for the Sanford Wi-Fi network.

The network provides Wi-Fi access in all the outdoor public areas of downtown Sanford and some of the indoor areas of restaurants and cafés along the main business street. The city deliberately played down expectations; they told residents not to abandon their DSL or cable Internet service.”(…)