Fim do PC

Fim do PC

O Japao e’ mesmo o espelho do futuro proximo para o resto do mundo. Post interessante do Pasta&Vinagar mostra o declinio dos PCs no Japao e a enfase na era da conexao movel com os smart phones tomando o lugar do PCs como centro de processamento da informacao.


“An interesting read in the SF Gate: this article about the decline of PC in Japan by Hiroko Tabuchi. Some excerpts I found pertinent:

‘The PC’s role in Japanese homes is diminishing, as its once-awesome monopoly on processing power is encroached by gadgets such as smart phones that act like pocket-size computers, advanced Internet-connected game consoles, and digital video recorders with terabytes of memory.
Japan’s PC market is already shrinking, leading analysts to wonder whether Japan will become the first major market to see a decline in personal computer use some 25 years after it revolutionized household electronics — and whether this could be the picture of things to come in other countries.
The industry is responding in two other ways: reminding detractors that computers are still essential in linking the digital universe and releasing several laptops priced below $300 this holiday shopping season. (…) Recent desktop PCs look more like audiovisual equipment — or even colorful art objects — than computers. Sony Corp.’s desktop computers have folded up to become clocks, and its latest version even hangs on the wall.'”