

Falávamos de vigilância no último post. Agora (obrigado Fernando), matéria da Reuteus, Filmmaker plans Eyeborg eye-socket camera mostra projeto de um cineasta canadense, o eyeborgproject.com, que visa colocar uma prótese em um dos seus olhos com uma câmera transmitindo ao vivo (mas não tudo e nem sempre o tempo todo). Trechos da matéria da Reuters:

“(…) Rob Spence, 36, who lost an eye in an accident as a teen-ager, said his so-called Project Eyeborg is to have the camera, a battery and a wireless transmitter mounted on a tiny circuit board. www.eyeborgblog.com/ . ‘Originally the whole idea was to do a documentary about surveillance. I thought I would become a sort of super hero … fighting for justice against surveillance,’ Spence said. ‘In Toronto there are 12,000 cameras. But the strange thing I discovered was that people don’t care about the surveillance cameras, they were more concerned about me and my secret camera eye because they feel that is a worse invasion of their privacy.’ (…)He does not intend to create a reality TV show and the camera will be switched off when not needed, he said. ‘I don’t want to go into a locker room. I don’t want to show the world me going to the bathroom either … I’m not a life-caster and I don’t plan to be one,’ he said.”

Esse trabalho lembra muito os do pioneiro Steve Mann, que tive a oportunidade de conhecer pessoalmente (e com todas as suas próteses) em Ottawa no começo dos anos 2000. Vejam abaixo o vídeo e a descrição do projeto no prórpio site.

EYEBORG– The Two Week Trial from eyeborg on Vimeo.

“Take a one eyed film maker, an unemployed engineer, and a vision for something that’s never been done before and you have yourself the EyeBorg Project. Rob Spence, Kosta Grammatis and a team of others are trying to make history by embedding a video camera and a transmitter in a prosthetic eye. That eye is going in Robs eye socket, and will record the world from a perspective that’s never been seen before. This clip chronicles the first attempt at creating the eye– a two week hiatus of getting parts, assembling, and testing. Obviously we need a lab, and a bit more time. Can someone donate an oscilloscope?”