David McCallum

David McCallum

Entrevista com o artista canadense (de Toronto) David McCallum , que lançou em 2003 o projeto “warbike“, reportado por esse Carnet no ano passado. Abaixo trecho mostrando como a sua prática criou novas significações no espaço urbano:

” (…) What I found was that on my rides, my perception of the space had changed. This was a route that I took several times a day, so I thought I understood the spaces. But the backpack was screaming at me something different, that there was something else going on here that I couldn’t perceive.

The experience of hearing aspects of a space, or learning something about them in a tangible sense, is far more powerful than being told explicitly, which is an abstract way of knowing something and removed from direct perception through one’s own senses.

The Warbike was my effort to share that experience with people. I thought that my changing relationship to the space was fascinating, and I’d hoped that others’ experiences would be as well.”(…)