Cidade Fantasma

Cidade Fantasma

Ghost Town, Locative Game, é lançado em Perth, Austrália, no festival Byte Me!. Para jogar é preciso um celular com bluetooth e MP3. O jogo usa mensagens de texto, voz e fotos para resolver mistérios nas ruas de Perth. Postei recentemente algo sobre o game, que já foi testado em outros países.

No site do festival podemos ler o objetivo do jogo:

“Alone or with family and friends, you’ll uncover clues and solve puzzles with the help of messages, pictures and even voice calls received on their mobile phones. You’ll search the CBD for special stickers that unlock the game’s challenges, all the while unraveling a mysterious storyline. You can explore the game at your own pace, giving you a chance to appreciate some of Perth’s most interesting spaces. By taking the game from the screen to the streets, Ghost Town promotes active and healthy gaming.”

Vejam trechos da matéria do .

“The digital world has set its sights on Western Australia, with three new computer game development companies choosing Perth as their new base. Industry and Enterprise Minister Francis Logan was today the first person to play the new locative game ‘Ghost Town’ at the week-long digital content festival Byte Me! at the Perth Town Hall.(…)

The game uses Bluetooth, SMS and VOIP technologies. Similar games have attracted thousands of competitors when played in New York, London, Toronto and Amsterdam.

Mr Logan said ‘Ghost Town’ was an exciting new concept for the gaming development industry, which was one of the fastest growing sectors in the world and worth $110million annually in Australia. (…)

‘Game developers are attracted to our creative writers – we have the edge in this field, as well as internationally competitive capabilities in animation, visualisation and simulation.'(…)

‘Ghost Town is an example of a locative game, which has received quite a lot of attention internationally over the past few years,’ Mr Fono said.

‘Ghost Town is a mixed-media game that is played on mobile phones and is the very first game of its kind in Perth. The plan is to put Perth on the map as a hot spot of cutting-edge technology to tell stories and engage audiences.(…)”