Bolhas de Rádio

Bolhas de Rádio

Projeto “The bubbles of radio”, de Ingeborg Marie Dehs Thoma cria visualizações das ondas eletromagnéticas ajundando a tornar visível essa forma de território informacional. O objetivo é tornar tangível o invisível. Poster com iliustração do projeto pode ser baixado aqui:

“These visualisations are not intended to be technically accurate or to offer actionable information. Instead they provide a playful cue to reflect and consider radio as something tangible and physical to be experienced by other senses, not just through a screen.”

Via (Pasta $ Vinegar

O Blog Underwire, da Wired, faz um comentário sobre o projeto com o título: “Artist Visualizes Bluetooth, Wi-Fi as a Fictional Species“. Trechos:

“Thomas visualized six contemporary radio technologies, drawing inspiration from “richly illustrated books on botany, zoology and natural history.” The result was a series of illustrations re-imagining radio waves, like RFID, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (pictured left) as a fictional species.

Like any other informative guide to flora and fauna, Thomas’ encyclopedia of radio waves includes lengthy descriptions, diagrams showing scale and elaborate Latin classification names”.