All?h e Wi-Fi

All?h e Wi-Fi

Post do Smart Mobs mostra que Mecca têm Wi-Fi de graça para os pelegrinos. Vejam trechos do post Mecca Gets Free Wi-Fi for Hajj:

“‘Hajjis, as the pilgrims are called, come to the city in Saudi Arabia from around the world for several days of religious rituals. More than 2 million gather each year. A network of about 70 meshed routers from Tropos Networks has been set up to provide free Internet connectivity.

Users only have to register before using it. Barton believes it is the first public Wi-Fi network set up for the Hajj. The millions of pilgrims in Mecca this week for the Hajj, an annual gathering of Muslims, can stay connected thanks to a temporary Wi-Fi mesh network covering a large part of the city. PCWorld reports. Hajjis, as the pilgrims are called, come to the city in Saudi Arabia from around the world for several days of […]'”.