Detail from Software 2. The yellow lines represent buses in real time and the red corresponds to density of people. Sep 2006

Na Bienal de Veneza, projeto do MIT e da TIM Itália criam sistema que monitoram pessoas em Roma mostrando percursos e densidades. Vejam: When in Rome, you might be tracked | CNET

Telecom Italia-backed MIT mapping project, featured at the Venice Biennale, tracks people in Rome by cell phone.Images: Tracking those roaming around Rome

By Candace Lombardi
Staff Writer, CNET
Published: September 8, 2006, 9:28 AM PDT

Rome might not have been built in a day, but it was mapped in three dimensions.

That is, when Romans had their cell phones turned on. Telecom Italia, Italy’s main telephone operator, has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a real-time mapping system that tracks how people move in urban spaces.

Real Time Rome debuted on Friday at the Venice Biennale, the canal-laden city’s biennial exhibition of fine arts and, in recent years, technology projects related to urban studies.

Explorers of the Real Time Rome exhibit will encounter large, colorful wall projections that, at first glance, might look more like stills of a funky computer screensaver than a map. When they look closer, they’ll find that lines and spots of bright color represent heavily trafficked routes and popular neighborhoods throughout the city.”