Busca em Mobilidade

Google cria uma patente para busca de localidades e mapeamento em dispositivos móveis. A patente visa auxiliar a localização no mundo físico interfaceando o google maps e mostrando os resultados nas telas de celulares. Assim, o usuário coloca o nome do estabelecimento e o CEP, por exemplo, e o mapa dá a localização exata no celular. Cruza-se dessa forma banco de dados, locative media, mobilidade. Trata-se como mostamos em trabalho homônimo (ver link artigos à esquerda) de novos processos de territorialização, ou seja, de controle informacional sobre o mundo na relação intersticial do ciberespaço e do espaço urbano.

Vejam a matéria The future of Google mobile search: mapped results no Ars Technica.


“Google’s patented method starts with sending search queries to the server with location information attached. The location information could come from user input (a search for “pizza 60640,” for example), a static saved location for that device, or GPS data from the phone. The server would then respond with results based around that location, formatted for a mobile device.

However, the results would not be displayed in list format as they are in Google’s current mobile search. The phone would instead display something resembling a small version of Google Maps with the search results displayed using markers on the map, just like they are on Google Maps when viewed on a PC. The map could be zoomed in to different degrees, depending on how many results there are. Google wants to display up to nine results at a time for the user to choose from, and those nine results could be located in a very condensed geographic area or spread out. Why nine? Because each result can be mapped to a number button on the phone’s key pad.”