Death of Free Internet

Death of Free Internet

Já escrevi nesse Carnet sobre a perigosa quebra de neutralidade da rede. Na petição, que tem agora quase 78 mil assinaturas, contra a lei do Senador Eduardo Azeredo, colocamos explicitamente essa possibiliade. Se os provedores vão monitorar as atividades dos usuários, nada mais simples do que pensar que eles poderão, em um futuro próximo, dizer por qual site e em que velocidade um usuário poderá passar.

Essa é uma questão não apenas brasileira, mas mundial. A morte da internet livre pode está sendo selada nos próximos meses no Brasil. Mas não só. No Canadá a coisa está feia. Coloquei nesse Carnet informações sobre as ações da Bell Canadá e da Telus (veja link acima) quebrando a neutralidade da rede e reduzindo a velocidade das conexões em redes P2P. Vejam o protesto na “Campaign fo Democratic Media”:

Agora, texto publicado na Global Research Canadá sobre o assunto, incluindo aí a recente taxação de SMS – quem recebe paga também !!!! (não é por acaso que o Canadá é o mais atrasado dos países desenvolvidos na adoção de telefones celulares), mostra o perigo: Death of Free Internet is Imminent.


“(…) The free transfer of information, uncensored, unlimited and untainted, still seems to be a dream when you think about it. Whatever field that is mentioned – education, commerce, government, news, entertainment, politics and countless other areas – have been radically affected by the introduction of the Internet. And mostly, it’s good news, except when poor judgements are made and people are taken advantage of. Scrutiny and oversight are needed, especially where children are involved.

However, when there are potential profits open to a corporation, the needs of society don’t count. Take the recent case in Canada with the behemoths, Telus and Rogers rolling out a charge for text messaging without any warning to the public. It was an arrogant and risky move for the telecommunications giants because it backfired. People actually used Internet technology to deliver a loud and clear message to these companies and that was to scrap the extra charge. The people used the power of the Internet against the big boys and the little guys won.

However, the issue of text messaging is just a tiny blip on the radar screens of Telus and another company, Bell Canada, the two largest Internet Service Providers (ISP’S) in Canada. Our country is being used as a test case to drastically change the delivery of Internet service forever. The change will be so radical that it has the potential to send us back to the horse and buggy days of information sharing and access.

In the upcoming weeks watch for a report in Time Magazine that will attempt to smooth over the rough edges of a diabolical plot by Bell Canada and Telus, to begin charging per site fees on most Internet sites. The plan is to convert the Internet into a cable-like system, where customers sign up for specific web sites, and then pay to visit sites beyond a cutoff point.

(…) What will the Internet look like in Canada in 2010? I suspect that the ISP’s will provide a “package” program as companies like Cogeco currently do. Customers will pay for a series of websites as they do now for their television stations.

(…) And this is where the Internet (free) as we know it will suffer almost immediate, economic strangulation. Thousands and thousands of Internet sites will not be part of the package so users will have to pay extra to visit those sites! In just an hour or two it is possible to easily visit 20-30 sites or more while looking for information. Just imagine how high these costs will be.

(…) But what Bell Canada and Telus have planned for Canadians is much worse than that. They are planning the death of the Internet (free) as we know it, and I expect they’ll be hardly a whimper from Canadians. It’s all part of the corporate plan for a New World Order and virtually a masterstroke that will lead to the creation of billions and billions of dollars of corporate profit at the expense of the working and middle classes.

(…) The little guys on the Net will fall likes flies; Bloggers and small website operators will die a quick death because people will not pay to go to their sites and read their pages.

(…) Maintaining Internet (free) access is the only way we have a chance at combatting the global corporate takeover, the North American Union, and a long list of other deadly deeds that the elite in society have planned for us. Yesterday was too late in trying to protect our rights and freedoms. We must now redouble our efforts in order to give our children and grandchildren a fighting chance in the future.

author’s website:
Global Research Articles by Kevin Parkinson

2 Replies to “Death of Free Internet”

  1. Esta imagem do "diga não" ao projeto do Azeredo Palpatine poderia estar em algum lugar onde as pessoas possam recortar o codigo HTML e colar nos seus sites e se espalhar viralmente nos Blogs, por meio de celular QR code, a questão também possa por mobilizar técnicas de marketing de guerrilha. Temos que combater o ataque è Internet com a força da própria internet.

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