20 anos de GSM

Hoje estamos em plena era da conexão móvel: celulares, ou melhor, dispositivos híbridos móveis de conexão multi-rede, redes wi-fi, RFID, bluetooth, todos esses dispositivos e redes aliando mobilidade e comunicação de forma inédita.

Hoje podemos enviar e receber informação multimodal e em movimento. Tudo isso começou muito cedo desde a invenção de Marconi em 1896, mas o acordo que criou a GSM faz 20 anos agora. Vejam matéria da BBc, Mobile phone technology turns 20:

“On 7 September 1987, 15 phone firms signed an agreement to build mobile networks based on the Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications. According to the GSM Association there are more than 2.5 billion accounts that use this mobile phone technology. Adoption of the technology shows no signs of slowing down with many developing nations becoming keen users of mobile handsets.

China has 445 million GSM customers
There are 2.5 billion GSM connections worldwide
64% of mobile users are in emerging markets
About seven billion text messages are sent every day
Source: GSM Association

“There’s no doubt that at the time of the agreement in 1987 no one had an idea of the explosive capabilities in terms of growth that would happen after the GSM standard was agreed,” he said.

In the future, he suggested, high-speed networks would be ubiquitous adding the intelligence of mobiles to anything and everything. “The technology will be in the fabric of your clothing, your shoes, in appliances, in your car,” he said. For instance, he said, the ubiquity of mobile technology could revolutionise healthcare and see people wearing monitors that gather and transmit information about vital signs.”