Mobile Technologies and News

Mobile Technologies and News


Post do MediaShift Idea Lab faz um resumo do artigo de Yasmin Ibrahim, “New visibilities: Mobile technology and media event“, mostrando algumas características das tecnologias móveis de comunicação (celulares, palms) e a produção de testemunho dos fatos. No caso o autor analisa os eventos em Burma. Citação:

“Mobile telephony and the convergence of technologies have contributed to new ways of consuming, producing and engaging with events that happen in the world. The incorporation of audio and recording features, cameras and internet functions in mobile phones has contributed new ways in which people bear witness. The ability to capture, record, transmit and upload images and text with mobile telephony has afforded new ways to engage with and participate in the creation of media event. While eye-witness accounts have always been part of news gathering, the convergence of technologies and mobile telephony have mediated the ways in which people can collaborate in creating a media event. The act of bearing witness through mobile telephony is also forging a complex relationship with mature media where new platforms to accommodate citizen accounts in event creation is making news an open ended phenomenon.”

As principais características destacadas no post do MediaShift são, 1) com as tecnologias móveis (que chamei em outro artigo de DHMCM, Dispositivo Híbrido Móvel de Conexão Multirrede), o publico influencia a produção e a cobertura dos eventos, como no caso dos atentados a bomba em Londre e Madri, as Tsunamis ou o furacão Katrina (vejam meu artigo sobre essa temática)., 2. Com a proliferação de fotos, vídeos e mensagens de texto, as tecnologias móveis criam um maior estoque de informação, produzindo arquivos (e uma história) alternativos(a) dos eventos históricos; e 3) os DHMCM democratizam os eventos já que todos são produtores em potencial, testemunhos armados com tecnologias que não só produzem “provas”, mas que também distribuem imediatamente para todo o planeta informações sobre os acontecimentos, podendo inibir assim ações violentas ou repressivas.

Conclusão do artigo Yasmin Ibrahim mostrando sintonia com o que chamei de função “pós-massiva” dessas novas mídias:

“The act of bearing witness through mobile telephony and potential to publicise it through public platforms such as the internet are creating new forms of dependencies between the media and the audience who bear witness. The act of bearing witness through mobile telephony transcends some dichotomies between the producer and audience but equally the domain of event creation has incorporated new forms of looking and gaze where these signify new and evolving power relationships between media and the act of bearing witness. The gaze of the citizen or the lay person who bears witness incorporates new image economies where images can convey different vantage points and perhaps new forms of framing intimacy and distance as well as apathy.”