Locative Media & The City

Locative Media & The City Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Relational Architecture: Vectoral Elevation. (Internet visitors control spotlight positions over Mexico City) O link do curso de Mark Shepard, Locative Media & The City (2006), propõe uma bibliografia básica e um mapa do tema com artigos disponíveis em pdf (texto e scanner) sobre Leia mais… »

Qu’est-ce que la technologie RFID?

Qu’est-ce que la technologie RFID? “La technologie RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) est matérialisée par une petite étiquette très discrète, voire invisible, qui sert aussi bien à identifier les colis des grands magasins qu’à gérer le parc de Vélib’ à Paris ou encore à donner accès à une entreprise ou à Leia mais… »

Realidade Aumentada

Em um dos últimos post falava de “realidade aumentada”. Aqui uma boa definição: Mobile Augmented Reality Systems (MARS) são sistemas onde “computer-presented material is directly integrated with the real world surrounding the freely roaming person, who can interact with it to display related information, to pose and resolve queries, and Leia mais… »

Locative Media

Locative Media Mais definicoes e links para ajudar a entender as midias locativas. O post e’ do blog intercative media and other stories: Trechos: ” Locative media’ denotes in artistic and cultural practice that which has become a nominator for site-specific, context-aware, and often participatory platforms exploring the possibilities of Leia mais… »